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It's time to take your relationship with the stars to the next level...

I created The Cosmically Attuned Membership for the astrologically curious, obsessed, & everyone in between to learn how to:



Integrate astrology in your everyday life in an embodied way so that you are unapologetically living your truth & trust your decisions

Build an intimate connection with each of the astrological seasons to transform the relationship with yourself, your business, & your manifestations 

Learn how to read & follow your birth chart to feel confident & clear in setting goals with the exact area of your life that will be impacted with every astrological transit

I'm Danielle


Pisces Sun, Leo Moon, Leo Rising


15% Off All Items


This is your soulful invitation

Each month, I present the themes of the season we're in based off the monthly transits with specific dates to work with & I help you discover what area of your life this is impacting your birth chart. This will help you set intentional goals & take actions that are aligned with your unique timeline & direction. 


We meet live every Full Moon via zoom! The Full Moon Calls will be less educational (although I’ll lead the circle with astro wisdom) and more time to hold space for YOU and your intentions. These will be intuitively led that can include candle magic, card pulls, reiki, meditation, reading an excerpt from a book, dancing, howling, whatever the hell our wild feminine desires ;)

There will be a private Facebook for you to connect with other cosmic witches in the membership to talk astro, share your monthly goals and get your astrology questions answered from Danielle 


You have always felt connected to the stars & the moon but get confused by astrology lingo yet it still feels like a language you're called to understand


You always laugh at astrology memes & check your astrology app daily but desire a more meaningful & personalized experience that’s not one size fits all


You desire a community to share, learn, and grow with as you

deepen your connection to astrology 


You love working with the energy of the moon but desire a more in depth understanding of how to work with the timeline & cycles of other planets in your birth chart

Anchor 2

How does this work?

Once you join, YOU WILL HAVE Instant access to:

Introduction to Astrology videos, PDF birth chart guide + manifestation workbooks for all 12 zodiac signs

Access to Private FB group with info on next live call dates + zoom link for Full Moon Group Calls 

All Previous Call Replays & Presentation Notes / Journal prompts

Access to 15% off discount code for astrology readings 

This is a month to month commitment 

You can opt out at any time

(with 10 days written notice before your next billing date)


The Investment 

Only $77 a month! 

Anchor 1

You are here for a reason


Sistar, that calling inside your heart is awakening you to unlock the power within


There are no coincidences, only portals and opportunities that open and it’s up to us to walk through those doors and see what’s on the other side

As within, so without is not just a new age saying. It’s our highest truth

And this membership is your space to live and embody that truth

The path of the stars is a sacred one that will show you magic beyond your wildest dreams

It will show you the whole story: past, present, & possibilities for your future


It will reveal the secret codes to living a life of aligned action & divine timing


It will empower you to be your best self - & ask you the questions to free your highest self


It will provide answers for your deepest questions & activate an unshakeable confidence  


I invite you to join me in the Cosmically Attuned Membership anytime and open yourself up to the wonders of astrology to feel aligned with your destiny like never before


Cosmic Hall of Fame

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